Saturday, October 30, 2010

October 2010

*Completed fire barrier fence / erected and painted.
*Security fence constructed in old shed erected on block.
*Land levelled and trenches dug for plumbing.
*Pipes necessary for concrete pour laid.
*Concrete pour after plumbing inspection.
*Shed erected to lockup stage.
*Switchboard for meter and solar feedback to grid mounted on adjacent building.
*Trench dug and water mains + Electrical mains Buried.
*Framing for toilet block erected / plumbing pipes installed.
*Main switchboard mounted and workshop lights wired and powered.
*4 Metre metal door constructed and secured in place.
*Framing for office,quiet room and store erected.
*Doors hung in all rooms.
*Store room walls painted.
*Fire hoses installed water connected.
*Cables for lighting in other rooms secured.
*Extra top hats and reinforced mesh installed in walls for stability and security.
*Ceiling joists and meeting room/kitchen framing erected.
*Cables installed for power points / water heater etc
*Trenches dug and pipes laid for sewer / inspection successful / trenches filled.
*All framing completed and frame inspection successfully carried out.
*During this time cluster and agency meetings attended and information stalls manned for Mental Health Week and Connect program. (Homeless and disadvantaged).
November 2010.

Saturday, May 29, 2010


Over the past 12 months the following events stand out as highlighting what happens in our shed and the direction we will go in the future.

March 2009:
* Networked with Manning Support services / Catholic Care / Manning Neighbourhood Ctr / Volunteer Connections / Fatherhood Organisation.
April 2009:
* Attended Men's Health Forum in Newcastle prior to Men's Health Policy meetings.
* Networked with new and emerging sheds in mid north coast area.
May 2009:
* Ran a successful BBQ at Bunnings on Mother's Day.
* Attended 6 week "Train the Trainer" course designed to work with men involved in domestic violence.
June 2009:
* Ran a Men's Health Seminar involving a Doctor, Dietitian, First Aid instructor, Mental Health worker and Prostrate cancer expert.
July 2009:
* Constructed more Indian Myna Bird cages.
August 2009:
* Obtained Crown Land Licence for site of future purpose built Men's Shed.
* Ran a BBQ at Bunnings as part of our ongoing fundraising activities.
Sept 2009:
* Involved with 1st National Disability Resources Expo. held in Taree.
* Working bee on block to remove dead trees, lantana and rocks.
Oct 2009:
* Met with the Hon.Warren Snowdon MP in relation to formulation of Men's national health policy and corresponded with his office.
* Hearing Australia carried out tests on site with our members resulting in positive outcomes.
Nov 2009:
* President signed agreement with Jobfind Centres Aust. to allow ongoing placements within our shed of men seeking work experience.
* Attended an information day about changes to Child protection guidelines in relation to mandatory reporting as it relates to mentoring.
Dec 2009:
* Name changed to "Taree Manning River Men's Shed Inc".
Jan 2010:
* Working bee on block of land.
March 2010:
* Development Application granted.
April 2010:
* Another 10 wheelchairs shipped out to Rotary to be transported overseas.
* Construction of circus stilts completed by youth group involved in 12 month course targeting youth at risk.
May 2010:
* Granted Construction Certificate to allow the start of building work.
* Started construction of podium for local high school.
* Partnership with ETC involving a group of young people working towards employment, being trained in the safe use of power tools.
* Continuation of rocking horse construction as demand increases / work on a podium and welding of metal gates.
* Networked with Dept. of Housing to avert elderly man being evicted from unit / collected a variety of wheelchairs and other equipment from Manning Base Hospital.
* Started construction of approximately 34 security fence panels and 6 fire proof panels to be erected prior to concrete slab being laid.
June 2010:
* Received $50,000 as part of Community Builders grant for the erection of our new shed.
* Working bee on block to erect fire proof fence.